1612 results:

TT Club rating upgraded to A- (Excellent) by AM Best

The TT Club has received a boost from industry ratings agency AM Best, which has upgraded the Club's financial strength rating to A- (Excellent) from B++ (Very Good).

TT Talk - What is piracy?

The concept of piracy has something of a romantic ring to it, with 18th-century rogues such as Captain Kidd, Henry Morgan and others receiving a much more favourable press (not to mention treatment…

TT Talk - Club urges attention to flatracks

A member of the Club recently alerted us to a possible danger if flatracks are not assembled properly.

TT Talk - European judgment clarifies liability for customs duties

The European court of justice, in handing down its decision in Unamar and Seaport Terminals v Belgium, has clarified the provisions of the EU customs code relating to the responsibility for duty when…

TT Talk - Exclusion clauses - recapping the basics

While on the subject of exclusion clauses. we are grateful to our friends at Australian lawyers Phillips Fox for this timely reminder about the importance of proper drafting of such clauses. The…

TT Talk - Ships that go bump in the night (or any other time!)

Our colleagues Marcus John and Iain Sharples in Sydney write about the problems of enforcing claims on those (hopefully rare) occasions when ships cause damage to terminal property during…

TT Talk - Spain enforces CSC requirements

Cristina Martinez of the Barcelona law firm Indeco tells us that on 14 January the Spanish government introduced regulations requiring all freight containers to comply with the 1972 Safe Container…

TT Talk - Dangers to personnel in container operations

The Nautical Institute, an international professional body for qualified seafarers and others with an interest in nautical matters, provides a wide range of services to enhance the professional…

TT Talk - Government enforces rules on wooden packaging material...

We remind readers that the US Department of Agriculture's Wood Packaging Material (WPM) regulations for pallets and crates came into effect on 1 February 2006 and that they will be enforced by the US…

TT Talk - Judge rules on air waybill notice

At the moment, the rules governing air carriers' liabilities are complex, with five possible