1612 results:

TT Talk - World's largest container crane produced in Shanghai

Following the item in TT Talk No. 53 about vertical tandem lifting, Andrew Kemp in the Club's Singapore office draws our attention to the imminent arrival of a crane that can lift two 40' units…

TT Club Customer Satisfaction Survey

The December issue of House to House (h2h) includes a summary of the results of this ongoing project. For more details

IMDG Code compliance is mandatory, warns TT Club

TT Club, the transport insurance mutual association, has expressed concern at an apparently widespread lack of awareness of changes in the legal status of the International Maritime Organization's…

TT Talk - Don't hit bridges!

One of the regular occurrences in the Club's claims-handling departments is the arrival of a bundle of documents, including photographs of a formerly rectangular container converted into a trapezoid…

TT Talk - Consumer goods moving too fast

In the high pressure world of FMCG (fast-moving consumer goods) consignments are often switched to new delivery points at the last minute, as the sales organisation tries to take advantage of sudden…

TT Talk - Vertical Tandem Lifting: a clarification

In TT Talk No. 53 we wrote that vertical tandem lifting should only be used for handling empty containers, as the connecting locks were not designed to carry the weight of loaded containers.

TT Talk - Just what is a Hague Rules package?

Iain Sharples from the Clubs office in Sydney reports on a recent case in which the Australian Federal Court had to consider the perennially contentious issue of what constitutes a package under the…

TT Talk - Don't sniff at leakages!

Our friends at Hazworld remind us of the dangers to workers that can arise from spillages and leakages of chemicals and point out that some of the nastiest chemicals have a lethal effect on humans at…

TT Talk - Theft, Smuggling and Terrorism

How much does cargo crime really cost? Globally, the value of stolen cargoes runs into hundreds of billions of dollars each year. The FBI estimates this figure for the US alone at over USD 18 billion…

TT Talk - How good is your security?

The Frans Maas case reported above highlights the need for an effective review of your security systems.