1612 results:

Rafaela S

We write again on the English Rafaela S judgment, which we first addressed in the last edition of TT Talk.

TT Talk - Overloaded containers

The police and highway authorities are continuing to crack down on overweight vehicles, and are looking especially at containerized loads.

TT Talk - Who pays for delays?

The shipping and maritime law community is beginning to pay more attention to an issue that arises from ISPS and the enforcement of other security legislation: who pays when a ship and its myriad…

TT Talk - How many boxes, how many moves?

A question frequently asked is: just how many shipping containers are there in the world?

TT Talk - Mobile phones and mobile cranes don't mix

In recent months a number of claims have been reported to the Club arising from collisions involving cranes, RTGs, straddle carriers, fork-lift trucks and other handling equipment. In several of…

TT Talk - Containers: improper repairs threaten cargo security

The United Kingdom P&I Club recently issued a warning to its members about the consequences of improper repairs to door locking mechanisms.

TT Talk - "Ideas that work"

In their December 2004 bulletin, our friends at ICHCA International (the International Cargo Handling Coordination Association) reported on a recent meeting of its International Safety Panel (ISP) in…

TT Club recognises 'excellence and leadership' at BIFA annual awards

Leading transport insurance provider TT Club has extended its long-term cooperation with BIFA (the British International Freight Association) by sponsorship of its Supply Chain Management Award at…

Reassess insurance cover as part of supply chain security measures, says TT Club

Too many transport operators, from NVOCCs and logistics providers to terminal facilities, are worryingly uninformed about the extent of their insurance cover, the TT Club has warned.

TT Talk - Ship it, bill it and forget it?

An increasingly regular occurrence in the Club's mail bag is the arrival of tales of woe from members who have found themselves faced with enormous bills for container detention or demurrage charges,…