In a new service to the global transport & logistics, ports and marine industries, the TT Club has developed an "industry events" function on its website in order to provide a single…
In a speech to the Logistics Law seminar in London, Mike Foster Claims Director based in the Club's London office, has warned that logistics operators should make sure that their insurance cover is…
Writing in Inbound Logistics magazine, our colleague Dan Negron in New Jersey reports on a recent appeal for help from a member in the United States. He was handling an importation of roof tiles for…
THROUGH Transport Club, the international transport mutual, is aiming to increase the volume of insurance business with logistics and transport operators under its new four-year business plan.
Insurance providers are struggling to keep pace with changes in the logistics industry and need a new approach to understanding risk in the light of today's logistics contracts.
The explosion and fire on board Hyundai Fortune affected a very large number of containers which had been on their way to Europe, and consequently also very many intermediaries -- whether they call…
While New Orleans gradually climbs out of the troubles caused by last year's flooding TT Club has launched a loss-prevention initiative in the form of a 45-page guide to help port and terminal…