In a concerted effort to reduce injuries and equipment damage in port operations, the TT Club, the Port Equipment Manufacturers Association (PEMA) and ICHCA International have announced a joint…
By the end of 2009 the liability limit for cargo in Art 22(3) of the Montreal Convention 1999 for international carriage by air will increase from 17 SDR to 19 SDR per kilogram. A SDR (Special…
As is now widely known in the industry, 16 countries signed the Rotterdam Rules at the signing ceremony of 23 September 2009. By 26 October 2009, the number of signatures increased to 21 countries.
In a concerted effort to reduce injuries and equipment damage in port operations, the TT Club, PEMA and ICHCA International have announced a joint initiative to establish minimum safety standards for…
In accordance with Article 79 of the Venezuelan Organic Customs Law Regulations an import container unit is exempt from customs formalities applicable to the temporary admission regime for a period…
A Singapore based transport operator undertook to provide logistics services for a large German manufacturer. The agreement incorporated the German manufacturer's model contract, expressly excluded…
The TT Club's latest publication, a revised edition of its comprehensive risk mitigation guide for windstorms, offers marine and inland terminal operators valuable information and advice on how to…
Readers of TT Talk and other TT publications will be familiar with the concerns expressed about the quality of declaration of cargo, particularly in the maritime part of the supply chain.