1612 results:

Stop Loss: release of cargo - documents

Stop Loss: release of cargo - documents

One of the most important actions taken by those in the transport industry is the correct issue of, or release from, proper documents.

StopLoss: chassis on the road in the USA

StopLoss: chassis on the road in the USA

Interchanging chassis in the USA has taken on a new meaning in recent years.

StopLoss: container loss

StopLoss: container loss

As with inventory control, matters will not correct themselves, some checks and balances need to be put in place to help reduce the occurrence of theft.

StopLoss: guidance on the transport of packaged dangerous goods by sea

StopLoss: guidance on the transport of packaged dangerous goods by sea

Serious accidents can happen if the provisions of the IMDG (International Maritime Dangerous Goods) Code are not met.

Press Release: TT Club continues support for FIATA's training initiative

Four regional finalists representing the future of the freight forwarding industry are preparing to travel to Bangkok, Thailand for the FIATA World Congress - 4th-8th October 2010. The four, from…

TT Talk - Dangerous Goods Declarations and Material Safety Data Sheets

A document that is increasingly being used in relation to the conveyance of packaged dangerous goods is a Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS).

TT Talk - Safety Alert - Serious Injury from Sudden Depressurisation of Lift Truck Tyres

The Club has been alerted to a serious accident where a fitter was removing wheels from a lift truck to carry out planned maintenance work. One wheel flew off as the pneumatic tyre suddenly and…

TT Talk - Safety Warning Over Ship's Crane

The UK Maritime Administration's Marine Accident Investigation Branch (MAIB) publishes a regular Safety Digest and a recent issue contained an accident involving a stores crane on a ship.

Press Release: TT Club Rating Maintained at A- (Excellent)

TT Club Rating Maintained at A- (Excellent)

TT Talk - A problem with flatracks

The handling of flatracks is an issue which affects many TT Club Members. ICHCA International in its Information Paper No 45 reports the details of possible problems.