1612 results:

TT Club continues support for FIATA's rising stars

Thursday, June 12th, 2008... Four regional finalists representing the future of the freight forwarding industry are preparing to travel to Vancouver on Tuesday September 23rd to attend the FIATA…

TT Club's Rating Re-affirmed at A- (Excellent) by AM Best

The US insurance rating organisation has once more underlined the mutual insurer TT Club's financial strength and issuer credit by maintaining both these ratings at A- (Excellent)

TT Talk - TT Club Sea waybill (Series 500)

In order to meet a demand from Members, the TT Club has developed a Sea waybill. This TT Club Sea waybill Series 500 follows the structure of the TT Club Bill of lading Series 100 as far as possible.

TT Talk - Air waybill conditions of contract - 'Note' the difference

In TT Talk Edition 102 of 16 October 2007 we reported that IATA Resolution 600b, which provides the basis for the IATA recommended 'Conditions of contract' on the back of the IATA air waybill, would…

TT Talk - Be careful when opening container doors

Amongst a container's weakest parts are its doors. The exposure to rain, condensation and a salty atmosphere causes the container door hinges to corrode. Such rust is not always visible, because…

TT Club wants Cleaner Environment for Quay Crane Drivers

The TT Club has called for a cleaner working environment for quay crane drivers at ports, and in particular wants new measures to protect them from ship stack emissions.

MSC Napoli Report Adds Support to TT Club's stance on Cargo Mis-declaration

The UK's Marine Accident Investigation Branch (MAIB) report into the MSC Napoli incident has shown that mis-declaration of the weight and contents of containers was a contributory factor to the…

TT Talk - Reach Stacker incident

Port Skills and Safety Ltd ( PSSL ), an industry organisation promoting health safety, skills and standards, commented in Information Paper 012/2008 on a Kalmar Reach Stacker incident (failure of…

TT Talk - Ship stack emissions - efforts to create a cleaner environment for quay crane drivers

Laurence Jones, Director Global Risk Assessment at the TT Club, reports on ship stack emissions.

TT Club Announces Positive Financials for Sixth Consecutive Year

An improving claims picture, high retention on renewals and a good investment return characterise a satisfactory overall performance in 2007.