New 'Guidelines for the Carriage of Calcium Hypochlorite in Containers' are intended to allow the carriage of calcium hypochlorite under controlled circumstances, to ensure that it is properly…
Industry sentiment expressed at the ICHCA Seminar entitled 'SOLAS VGM One Month Out - Are You Ready?' held in Antwerp last week, was one of frustration. Less than 15% of the IMO Member States in…
The Loadstar Podcast May edition focuses on the work being undertaken in the UK with shippers, forwarders and ports, all preparing for the rapidly approaching legislation deadline. A round table…
TT Club, the leading international transport and logistics insurance provider, today announces its financial results for the year ended 31 December 2015, maintaining its A- (Excellent) rating by…
The IMO has issued a Circular to all Member States and the transport industry this week in order to assist the implementation of the VGM amendment to SOLAS, which comes into effect on 1 July. TT Club…
Kimberlee Baxter and Markus McMillin from Thomas Miller's San Francisco office and Andrew Morgan from Chelsea Risk Management in San Francisco along with Robert Kempkens from Thomas Miller's London…
When the requirement for verified gross mass (VGM) was adopted by the International Maritime Organization (IMO) in November 2014, preparations should have started through the containerised supply…
The impending mandatory enforcement of verified gross mass (VGM) for all packed containers as a pre-condition to loading on board a ship is - at last - concentrating minds and energy towards…
The 19th Robin Travis scholarship will be awarded in 2016 and will provide a three-month internship for a motivated individual working in Germany, who wishes to progress their career and broaden…
With the effective date of 1st July getting ever closer, the need for all involved in the international transport of containers to be prepared for the revised SOLAS Convention regulations on…