1612 results:

TT Talk - Code applied - transport of coiled materials

Coiled materials covers a variety of materials of differing densities, but all present the shipper with the fundamental issues of how to ensure that the cargo itself arrives at the destination…

TT Talk - IMO briefing 1 Jan 2016

The International Convention for Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS) was first adopted a little over a century ago, albeit that version never entered into force due to the First World War. Now a central…

Broad industry coalition offers clarity on new container weighing regulations

Today, the World Shipping Council (WSC), the TT Club, the International Cargo Handling Coordination Association (ICHCA), and the Global Shippers' Forum (GSF) jointly released a new Frequently Asked…

TT Talk - Deliberate for law and jurisdiction

Those involved in international carriage should be well aware that the law applicable to a contract and the jurisdiction in which disputes are to be decided often have a significant bearing on the…

TT Talk - The long game

As the supply chain industry globally is gearing up to comply with the SOLAS amendment that, from 1 July 2016, requires verified gross mass for every packed container, it is worth reiterating that…

TT Club Champions Operational Best Practice to Improve US Intermodal Efficiency

The global freight transport insurer is encouraging supply chain stakeholders to understand better the interrelationship of the various functions in the intermodal network, particularly in the United…

TT Talk - Crime is alive and well

TT Club's experience is that theft remains firmly in the top five claims causes, accounting for about 13% by number and value over the last five years. Much recent attention has been focused on the…

TT Talk - Mandate Fraud

Essentially the diversion of a payment, mandate fraud is a long standing practice, the existence of which has been exposed in recent years due to a number of high profile cases as well as the…

TT Club claims handling in Tianjin Port Explosion

The Club's claims handlers, including those in Network Partner offices are now fully engaged in providing the Membership affected by the tragic events in Tianjin on the 12th August with proactive…

TT Club Reports a Stable Performance Despite Challenging Conditions

Leading Insurance provider to the international freight transport industry, TT Club has published a mid-year trading update for the eight-month period 1 January - 31 August 2015.