1612 results:

TT Talk - Unfair Contract Terms in Australia

The Australian government has passed legislation extending protection against unfair terms in standard form contracts beyond consumers to Australian small businesses.

TT Talk - Unfair Contract Terms: a civil law perspective

Fighting unfair contract terms in civil law jurisdictions may appear a recent phenomenon, but the reality is that the process has been underway for well over a century.

Winner of FIATA's Young Forwarder Award Announced

The 2016 Young International Freight Forwarder of the Year (YIFFY) Award was announced at the World Congress in Dublin this week. The winner was Shanon Gould from Australia.

TT Talk - Focus on waterfront lost-time injuries

What is a reasonable target for the shared industrial workspace at the ship-port interface?

TT Talk - ICHCA 'Ship-Port Interface'

What does 'Ship-Port Interface' actually mean and what are the issues?

VGM Period of Grace Ends on 1st October

The three-month settling-in period suggested by the IMO to its Member States in which competent authorities were urged to adopt a 'practical and pragmatic' approach to the enforcement of the SOLAS…

TT Talk - Road liability exposure in the USA

Incident causation is never simple; over the road liabilities in the US now expose a broad range of supply chain stakeholders in potentially surprising ways.

TT Talk - Chassis maintenance & repair in the USA

Container operations are often reliant on road carriage prior to and after carriage by sea. Careful attention to the associated road equipment is required to minimise the risks.

TT Talk - Container examination choices

Containers play a major role in international trade; rigorous equipment maintenance processes are critical. Consider which examination process best mitigates the risks.

TT Talk - Maintaining container safety

Container operators need to ensure they have in place a system for monitoring and maintaining the state of the containers under their stewardship. Diverse stakeholders drive differing requirements.