1612 results:

TT Talk - Amendments to the Maritime Chapter of the Commercial Code in South Korea

Hyopsung Shipping Corporation, the TT Club s Network Partner in Korea, alerted us to a circular by the law firm Kim & Chang (Seoul) on amendments to the Maritime Chapter of the South Korean…

TT Talk - Locking lights on spreader frames

When ICHCA International in its International Safety Panel (ISP) recently considered the situation regarding locking lights on spreader frames, it became apparent that a variety of different colour…

TT Talk - Supply Chain Security - ISO 28000 & the regulatory context

In TT Talk Edition 102 (16 October 2007) Hart Security introduced the new ISO 28000 security management standard. A longer description of the business benefits offered by engaging in this standard…

TT Talk - CMR - Application of 1978 Protocol confirmed for Russia by Supreme Arbitration Court

Article 23 (3) of CMR 1956 stipulates a liability limit of 25 francs per kilogram of goods lost or damaged.

TT Talk - New Thai law on salvage

Spica Services (Thailand) have circulated a very informative summary by Pramuanchai Law Office C0 Ltd (Bangkok) on the new Thai Act on Marine Salvage, B.E.2550 (2007).

TT Talk - Title to sue under one original bill of lading endorsed in blank under Australian law

In the Australian case of Hilditch v Dorval Kaiun KK (The Golden Lucy I ), Hilditch, the Australian buyer, purchased from SK Corporation (Korea), the seller, a cargo of refined oil products,…

TT Talk - Sobering thoughts on Dangerous Goods

TT Talk - Sobering thoughts on Dangerous Goods

The recent ruling on a five-year long Chinese legal battle is a reminder of the importance of declaring goods correctly.

TT Talk - Cargo handling at sea terminal in multimodal transport under German law

The German Commercial Code dedicates in sections 452-452d a chapter to multimodal transport. Inrecent years a critical question has been whether cargo handling operations at a sea terminal constitute…

TT Talk - Logistics Performance Index

If you consider doing business in one of 149 foreign countries and are looking for information on its transport and logistics environment, you may want to consult the 'Logistics Performance Index'…

TT Talk - New lawon Corporate Manslaughter in the United Kingdom

Maria Pittordis, Head of the Marine Personal Injury team at solicitorsHill Dickinson (London), reports that the new Corporate Manslaughter and Corporate Homicide Act 2007 will bring important changes…