1612 results:

TT Talk - TT Club International Freight Forwarding Agency Agreement

Motivated by claims experience and changes in Chinese law and practice, TT Club has added to its range of model conditions an International Freight Forwarding Agency Agreement, produced in both…

TT Talk - Be prepared - hurricanes or otherwise

Weather seems to be a common theme around the globe at present. In tropical regions, the 'official' storm seasons have either just started (Eastern Pacific) or will do shortly (North Atlantic),…

TT Club maintains strong financial results and maintains AM Best A- (Excellent) rating

The TT Club, the leading international transport and logistics insurance provider, today announces its financial results for the year ended 31 December 2014, maintaining its A- (Excellent) rating by…

TT Talk - Authorised Economic Operator status

Following from the early 'noughties' developments relating to security and the WCO SAFE Framework, the European Union responded with the Authorised Economic Operator (AEO) certification process. This…

TT Talk - Spotlight on claims for Anti-Dumping Duty

Customs claims brought against freight forwarders have always been part of the tapestry of issues handled and covered by the TT Club. However, by way of alert, there has been a noticeable increase in…

TT Talk - The [European] Union Customs Code

The Union Customs Code (UCC) was adopted by the European Parliament and Council on 9 October 2013 as Regulation (EU) No 952/2013. Its provisions will start coming into effect on 1 May 2016. There…

'Beware the Big Ship Hype' says TT Club

TT Club's Phillip Emmanuel has put into perspective some of the sensationalism surrounding the recent growth trend in container ships. Speaking during a plenary session of the TOC Asia Conference in…

TT Talk - ICHCA Technical Panel - making safety core

The 73rd meeting of the International Cargo Handling Coordination Association's (ICHCA) ISP Technical Panel was held recently, kindly hosted by Puertos de Las Palmas. Whilst a number of key risk…

TT Talk - Safe maintenance at height - reporting on an ICHCA debate

Working at height remains one of the biggest causes of fatalities and major injuries. A common fallacy is that 'working at height' is confined to activities several meters from the ground. However,…

TT Club Warns Baltic Ports to Protect Against Reputational Damage

Speaking during Baltic Transport Week in Gdansk this week Andrew Huxley, Development Director at freight transport insurance specialist TT Club, warned port and terminal operators to be aware of the…