The winner of this year's award, announced on Friday at the FIATA World Congress in Cape Town, is Mrs Evgeniya Khokhlova , who represents the Russian association (FAR) and is a Specialist in Project…
The versatility of the tank container for both transport and storage can give it preference over traditional parcel tankers and drums, influencing how supply chains develop, providing additional…
Corrosion is a perennial concern for tank container owners and operators. The stainless steel construction is resistant to staining and corrosion, but may be vulnerable to pitting from certain…
This paper covers the main recommended safety features for quay container cranes that are not specifically described in national or international standards.
TT Club - amongst other industry stakeholders - has long championed CTU inspections as a key weapon in the armoury to enhance safety and combat poor packing practices.
It has been a torrid year for cargo-related containership fires, with reported incidents averaging every 30 days and bucking the twenty plus year frequency of roughly every 60 days.