1612 results:

TT Club Highlights Cyber Activity is the Norm not the Exception

Speaking at the 6th Med Ports Conference in Livorno (Italy) last month, TT Club's Andrew Huxley highlighted that cyber activity is a daily operational risk which needs to be addressed urgently.

TT Talk - Legal eagle: how to measure bulk

Approaching a century after the Hague Rules were established (in 1924), it may at last be clear what is meant by "unit".

TT Talk - Attention! Inspecting General Average

Following the tragic casualty of 'Maersk Honam' it is timely, particularly for shippers and freight forwarders, to cover the dynamics and risks associated with General Average.

TT Talk - Be alert! EU General Data Protection Regulation

The EU General Data Protection Regulation 2016/679 comes into force on 25 May 2018. It effectively impacts globally - get ready.

Enhanced Hazcheck Restrictions Portal Launched

Exis Technologies, with the support of leading shipping and freight insurers, TT Club and UK P&I Club, is announcing its next phase of implementation of its Hazcheck Restrictions Portal at the…

Brexit circular: 20 April 2018

Brexit circular: 20 April 2018

This circular dated 20 April 2018 provides an update of TT Club's business continuity plans in relation to Brexit.

TT Talk - Pre-emptive risk assessment and planning

Whilst many storm events globally are considered geographically seasonal - such as the hurricane and typhoon seasons typical in the Tropics - the entire supply chain industry globally must take…

TT Talk - In defence of a storm claim

The assumption that a 'force majeure' defence is available in the event of a storm may not prove to be water-tight.

Temporary office closure - New Jersey

Due to severe weather conditions in the New York and New Jersey region, the New Jersey office will be temporary closed on Wednesday 21 March.

Risk Focus: Cyber

Risk Focus: Cyber

The maritime industry's reliance on computers and its increasing interconnectivity within the sector makes it highly vulnerable to cyber incidents. Cyber poses a threat to all parts of the shipping…