1612 results:

Navigating risks of doing business in unfamiliar jurisdictions

Navigating risks of doing business in unfamiliar jurisdictions

Hear about the risks to transport and logistics operators when conducting business in unfamiliar jurisdictions

Truckers Get More Help on Safe Parking

Truckers Get More Help on Safe Parking

The software Motorway Buddy helps truckers and road haulers organise their overnight parking properly. TT-Club

Demystifying cargo insurance and liability insurance

Demystifying cargo insurance and liability insurance

TT Club experts delve into the intricacies of cargo insurance and its pivotal role in the ever-evolving realm of freight forwarding

Curbing Freight Crime in South African Supply Chains

Curbing Freight Crime in South African Supply Chains

South Africa remains a cargo theft hotspot. Catch up this TT Club webinar and dive into the crime statistics from BSI.

TT Club's regular risk management newsletter goes 'Live'

TT Club's regular risk management newsletter goes 'Live'

International freight transport insurer TT Club's well-respected loss prevention newsletter, TT Talk, is being made available as a podcast. TT Live will be recorded monthly and released at the same…

Uncollected cargo: Risks and mitigation strategies for freight forwarders

Uncollected cargo: Risks and mitigation strategies for freight forwarders

Find out more about the contractual challenges of dealing with abandoned cargo in the transport and logistics industry

TT Talk - Mitigating the impact of windstorms in container terminals

TT Talk - Mitigating the impact of windstorms in container terminals

Analysis of TT Club's claims experience continues to highlight the vulnerability of quay cranes, other handling equipment and containers to major weather related incidents at marine terminals.…

TT Talk - Legal eagle: potential new exposures

TT Talk - Legal eagle: potential new exposures

This first instance judgment in relation to a charterparty dispute has the potential to spawn a range of liability exposures that could reverberate through the complex network of supply chain…

TT Talk - Crane collisions & allisions

TT Talk - Crane collisions & allisions

Whether for bulk handling or container operations, the quayside crane is critical for performing ship to shore services. This vital tool is also vulnerable to significant damage when impacted by a…