1612 results:

TT Club urges IMO Member States to increase container and cargo inspections and submit reports urgently

TT Club urges IMO Member States to increase container and cargo inspections and submit reports urgently

In welcoming the IMO’s revised guidelines for inspections, the international freight transport insurer TT Club exhorts governments to report findings to IMO on 2021 inspections, as well as to…

The Nautical Institute 50th Anniversary Conference AGM

The Nautical Institute 50th Anniversary Conference AGM

n 2022 the South West of England Branch of The Nautical Institute will be hosting an international Conference looking at the future of the maritime profession at a time of rapid societal change.…

TT Club highlights long-term changes to supply chain risk profiles

TT Club highlights long-term changes to supply chain risk profiles

Dorota Jilli, Senior Underwriter, talks about supply chain disruption within the transport and logistics industry

TT brief: preventing warehouse fires

TT brief: preventing warehouse fires

A short summary document looking at how to reduce the risks of fires in warehouse and storage facilities. Currently available in English, Arabic, traditional Chinese and simplified Chinese.

Financial highlights 2021

Financial highlights 2021

Financial highlights for the year ended 31 December 2021.

Through Transport Mutual Insurance Association Ltd

Through Transport Mutual Insurance Association Ltd

Annual report and financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2021.

TT Club Mutual Insurance Ltd

TT Club Mutual Insurance Ltd

Annual report and financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2021.

TOC Safety village

TOC Safety village

Announcing the launch of the inaugural TT Club Safety Village at TOC Europe in partnership with ICHCA International.

TT Talk - Legal eagle: the Spiliada forum rules applied

TT Talk - Legal eagle: the Spiliada forum rules applied

Transport and logistics insurer looks at a recent judgement confirming that Hong Kong is not a soft touch with regards to jurisdiction.

TT Talk - Hazards in full liability contracting

TT Talk - Hazards in full liability contracting

TT Club explores the risks of contracting on full liability terms