1612 results:

TT Talk - Forwarders' Certificates of Receipt

One of the questions members frequently ask the Club is about the difference between a forwarder's certificate of receipt (FCR) and an NVOC (non-vessel-operating carrier) bill of lading.

TT Talk - Cargo carriage ... or a fairground ride?

When you have finished reading this stand up at your desk. Now imagine that within ten seconds you are moved to a position two storeys above you and 11 metres along the floor. And then, with equal…

TT Talk - Rail transport shocks

Even on land, cargo can experience very substantial decelerations, particularly where containers are carried by rail. Although containers are now more often carried on dedicated point-to-point…

ISPS failures could increase ports' liability and invalidate insurance, warns TT Club

The TT Club has delivered a stark warning to port facility operators that miss the July 1 deadline for ISPS Code compliance.

TT Club's strong 2003 results and positive trading outlook fuels drive for ratings upgrade

The TT Club, the leading provider of insurance and risk management services to the international transport and logistics industry, has reported another successful year for its financial year 2003

TT Talk - Container safety at sea

Our colleagues at the UK P&I Club have recently published edition No. 7 in their loss-prevention series "Carefully to Carry". It looks at the problems encountered in shipping containers -…

TT Talk - Forwarders and the burden of proof

At the end of last year, the English Commercial Court was asked to decide whether a forwarder could limit its liability in a case where the circumstances of the loss were unclear. Which party had the…

TT Talk - Do you really know what your customer wants?

Postgraduate research by Steven Bell, as part of his MSc in logistics and supply chain management at the Heriot-Watt University in Edinburgh, UK, has highlighted several gaps between the services…

TT Talk - Loss of original bills of lading and requests for issuance of replacement bills

This is the third part of Harry Lee's trilogy on bill of lading issues.

TT Talk - Bills of lading: stay switched on!

This is the second part of Harry Lee's trilogy on the problems that can arise with bills of lading. In TT Talk No. 40 we covered the first situation in which amendments to the first set of transport…