Cargo breaking loose within a Cargo Transport Unit really is preventable, by following good packing practice. Equally, complete and accurate information, and correct marking, will substantially…
An alert concerning undeclared dangerous goods for carriage by air from the Hong Kong authority reminds all forwarders and carriers to be vigilant. Take steps to manage the risk or face the penalty!
Picking up on a bulletin published by UK P&I Club on 29 June 2012, this item highlights another instance of dangerous goods non-compliance - and explains the inter-relationship between modal regimes.
Business failure is an unfortunate corollary of the current global economic situation. As a result, this article reviews the rights of lien that may provide some welcome protection to transport and…
A landmark decision in March 2012 by Sir Andrew Morritt, the Chancellor of the English High Court, in Re La Senza Ltd (in Administration) means that freight forwarders, liner shipping companies and…
US rating agency, A. M. Best has re-affirmed TT Club's financial strength rating as A- (Excellent). The specialist insurer of the international freight and logistics sector has also had its issuer…
The TT Club Press Conference hosted by Knud Pontoppidan, Chairman of the TT Club Board was held on Monday 16 April 2012. Presentations were given by: Charles Fenton, Chief Executive Peregrine…