Flexitanks have been around for decades, but their use has expanded rapidly. The industry has sought to enhance standards over the recent years and currently is developing a standard for…
Some bulk terminals have contracts which specify a tolerance for the weight of material entering and leaving the terminal. This can result in costly claims for bulk weight discrepancies. It can be…
People and equipment are not always a safe mix, particularly where procedures to manage the interface are unknown and unenforced. There are a number of issues to be considered carefully by port…
Specialist liability insurer for the international transport and logistics industry, TT Club is keen to focus industry attention on the risks associated with the incorrect packing and securing of…
'Maersk Mc-Kinney Moller' was named today at a ceremony in South Korea. This is the first of Maersk Line's Triple E-Ships which is due for delivery in 14 days.
International research has demonstrated that there is little awareness of the international guidelines for packing cargo. The TT Club's claims statistics demonstrate that there is poor awareness of…
There is general consensus that the inaccuracy of weight declaration in the unit load industry compromises safety and efficiency. There is rather less agreement on how to implement changes that are…
The current marine environmental legislation in relation to 'garbage' came into force in January 2013. The ability to comply adequately with these revisions, including its impact on land-based waste…
Almost 15 years after revision of its transport legislation, Germany has modernised its law carriage by sea. Here is a review by the TT Club of the principle changes and the potential impact to trade…
Specialist liability insurer for the international transport and logistics industry, TT Club has announced another good performance for the year ended 31 December 2012, with further increased gross…