All cargo ships, without exception, have some form of gear and equipment on board. Incidents have highlighted the need for greater clarity over the inspection and maintenance regime internationally.…
The use of unsuitable or unsafe ships' gear for cargo handling risks death or serious injury to those using it and damage to the lifting gear itself, other parts of the ship and/or to the cargo being…
TT Club would like to highlight a recent preliminary ruling of the European Court of Justice (ECJ) in the case of Nipponkoa Insurance v. Inter-Zuid Transport (Judgment 19 December 2013). Its…
Help define how loss prevention information can be delivered or modified for your operations to match your work practices and advancing technology. The TT Club, together with ICHCA International,…
It is inevitable that everything that is transported by sea starts and ends on land. As a result, the TT Club lobbied for training of shore side personnel in the requirements of the IMDG Code. While…
Anecdotal information suggests that some in the maritime supply chain are using out of date dangerous goods data. Inspections evidence that non-compliance continues to be too high. Incidents…
The following information is aimed at all Members against whom bodily injury claims might be brought in England and Wales. If you fall into this category please read the following briefing.
In a speech to be given at the TOC Container Supply Chain: Middle East Conference on 9th December, Andrew Kemp, Regional Director EMEA of the freight transport insurance specialist TT Club will warn…