Logistics operators are more and more likely to be drawn into the value-add supply chain providing additional services like labelling, procurement and vendor management. 

TT Club offers comprehensive cover for logistics operators covering traditional liabilities and newer risks associated with diversification. Each of our policies is tailor-made to suit the precise needs of the operation and to cover any gaps in other liability cover that you may have in place.

Who we insure

  • Air Freight companies
  • Freight forwarding companies
  • Inland waterway operators
  • NVOCs
  • Parcel carriers
  • Railways or freight operators
  • Road hauliers
  • Tank or container operators
  • Trailer operators

Typical cover for Transport & Logistics Operators

  • Liabilities for loss of, or damage to, cargo
  • Liabilities arising from errors and omissions including delay and unauthorised delivery
  • Third party liabilities
  • Fines for regulatory breach such as customs, pollution and safety at work
  • Investigation, defence and mitigation costs
  • Disposal costs following an accident
  • Quarantine and disinfection costs

Additional cover for Transport & Logistics Operators

  • Business interruption risks
  • FMC bonds for NVOCs
  • General average and salvage guarantees and contributions
  • Loss of or damage to owned or leased equipment
  • Property insurance such as buildings and contents, machinery and handling equipment
  • Road and rail infrastructure
  • Ships' agency liabilities


  • Transport and logistics operators cover document 272 KB


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  • Tank Operators cover document 158 KB


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  • North American transport and logistics operator cover document 212 KB


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  • Initial information request form - transport and logistics operators 224 KB


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  • Specific information document - transport and logistics operators 168 KB


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  • TT Club Proposal Form 2024 Transport Operators 1 MB


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  • TT Wordings 2024 Transport and Logistics Operators 637 KB


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Over 95% of our Members decide to renew their policy with us each year. Get in touch now for a quote.

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