StopLoss: transport of coiled materials



Coiled materials covers a variety of materials of differing densities, but all present the shipper with the fundamental issues of how to ensure that the cargo itself arrives at the destination without damage, at the same time as avoid damage to the cargo transport unit (CTU) and anyone or thing adjacent to it during transit. Improperly secured coil materials can have catastrophic and fatal consequences. New industry guidance is now available.



Coiled materials can be safely carried in containers, so long as they are properly packaged, packed and secured. The guidance in this document is applicable to coiled materials of all dimensions and materials, but is specifically aligned to metallic products such as:

  • Sheet steel, galvanised and stainless
  • Slit steel, galvanised and/or stainless
  • Coiled wire rod
  • Aluminium sheet
  • Tin sheet

Coiled materials tend to have a very high mass and, being circular, have a significantly smaller loading ‘footprint’ or point loading than a case of similar weight. Coiled materials exceeding weight and stress limits in General Purpose (GP) containers should be carried by other means.

Specific issues to be considered include:

  • Cold roll steel, materials with treated surfaces and aluminium should be protected from scratching and environmental conditions which may cause corrosion
  • Coils need to be properly secured to prevent the coil from telescoping
  • Coils need to be packed so that the coil is not damaged due to undue pressure, causing the coil to flatten (ovalise)

It is intended to conform with the IMO/ILO/UNECE Code of Practice for Packing Cargo Transport Units
(CTU Code) and provide supplementary information to assist in the safe transport of these materials by any mode.

This guidance generally addresses the use of GP containers. Specialist packing advice should be sought from the container/CTU operator. This document considers risk prevention through correct:

  • Packing arrangements
  • Securing
  • Protection




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