Thomas Miller Insight Course 2012

The full programme for the four-day course "An Insight into Transport Law and Insurance" can be found in the published brochure.

The Insight course which runs from Tuesday 2nd to Friday 5th October this year is aimed at executives and managerial staff either in the early stages of their careers or without specialist insurance and claims experience.

By combining topical issues such as piracy and sanctions with coverage of more established issues in liability and insurance, Insight is also useful for those who wish to broaden or refresh their knowledge in this field.

The key areas of marine risk and liability are reviewed including hull, P&I, FD& D, ship management, through transport liabilities, agency and war risks.

The combined expertise of the Insight team from the Thomas Miller managed clubs gives a well-rounded perspective on maritime issues. Presenters are drawn from TT Club, UK P&I and Defence, through transport and intermediary liability businesses.

The Insight team provide interactive and practical participation in the topics they cover with workshops on key claims and liability issues including cargo, personal injury claims, charterparty issues, collisions, pollution and dock damage, ports and terminal liabilities.

Past students have found the social aspects of this course an invaluable networking opportunity. This broad study programme is complemented by a social events including a formal course dinner, a bus tour of London, and a river cruise along the Thames to the National Maritime Museum and historic clipper ship Cutty Sark.

The programme can be printed or downloaded as a PDF file. The PDF also features an interactive application form enabling you to register online.

If you would like to reserve a place on the course, or obtain more detailed information about the course and its arrangements, please contact Jenny Whitehead (Tel: +44 20 7204 2053; Email: jenny.whitehead).

Staff Author

TT Club

