TT Talk - Understanding the new CTU Packing Code - ICHCA seminar

ICHCA International, the NGO association for the global cargo handling industry, will be hosting a practical seminar, 'Understanding the new IMO/ILO/UNECE Code of Practice for Packing of Cargo Transport Units (CTUs)', in London on 22 October. Held aboard HQS Wellington on the River Thames, the one-day event will focus on the new Code's terms, their potential impact, and how they will be enforced globally. More broadly, the seminar will address how in practical terms the industry can tackle the endemic problems currently caused by poor packing and securing of cargoes in containers, trailers and other transport units.
As highlighted recently by the TT Club and other organisations including the Cargo Incident Notification System (CINS), poor CTU packing and securing is responsible for an alarmingly high percentage of incidents along the transport chain, leading to damage, loss, injuries and fatalities. The Club's own claims experience shows that 65% of incidents involving loss or damage to cargo are thought to be caused by poor or improper packing and securing. The ocean carriers' Cargo Information Notification System (CINS), has also revealed that some 35% of incidents investigated relate to poorly or incorrectly packed containers
TT Club, which is co-sponsoring and speaking at the ICHCA seminar, believes that poor packing and securing of cargoes should now be even more of a concern for the supply chain than inaccurate container weighing, an issue that has received much attention of late, culminating in the recent International Maritime Organization (IMO) decision to introduce new SOLAS rules requiring verification of container weights before loading onto ships. CTU Packing is now next on the IMO agenda, with the imminent release of the new Code of Practice, developed jointly with the International Labour Organization (ILO), and United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE).
The new Code of Practice will be far more comprehensive than the original 1997 packing guidelines from the three influential organisations. Applicable to all types of cargo moving in dry freight, reefer and tank containers, road trailers and tankers, swap bodies and railcars, the Code will provide parties along the supply chain with information about their responsibilities, including details of how to pack and secure packages and cargo items. It also places a responsibility on the shipper to declare correctly the composition of the cargo, as well as the gross mass of the packed CTU.
'Proper packing and securing of cargoes is a matter of universal supply chain concern, and not just in terms of dealing with new global rules', says ICHCA International Chairman David Bendall. 'With the final draft of the new Code being considered at the IMO's 18th DSC sub-committee meeting this September, this ICHCA seminar will be a first chance to get a detailed look at its contents and bring all the interested parties together to explore the next steps.'
The seminar will include talks by an expert panel of speakers and professionals from across the cargo chain. Round table workgroups will also address key questions around disseminating the Code and training and educating packers.
Exis Technologies' Director Ken Burgess will be introducing the new CTUpack during the seminar; this is a new e-learning course commissioned by the Club to to help train packing personnel on proper CTU packing and securing procedures. All delegates to the seminar will receive one complimentary training course when it is launched later this year. TT Club staff will be on hand together with co-sponsor Exis Technologies to demonstrate the course and offer delegates the chance to try out the famous container packing game - come along and see how well you do!
Co-sponsor Cordstrap will also be demonstrating its latest range of securing system to help eliminate cargo damage and will speak on current developments in cargo securing technology.
TT Club Members can book at the special ICHCA Premium Member rate of £150 + VAT, including attendance at the seminar, networking cocktail reception at close of play, downloadable copies of the speaker presentations after the event and complimentary CTUpack e-learning course, courtesy of Exis Technologies and TT Club.
For the full programme and list of participating speakers, plus online booking, visit
For more information and to book over the phone, contact the ICHCA Secretariat on
Tel +44 20 3327 0576 Email
Understanding the new IMO/ILO/UNECE Code of Practice for Packing of Cargo Transport Units (CTUs)
22 October 2013
HQS Wellington
Temple Stairs
Victoria Embankment
London WC2R 2PN
We hope you have found this article interesting. If you would like further information or have any comments please contact me:
Risk Management Director, TT Club
- Author
- Staff Author
- Date
- 15/10/2013