TT Talk - TT Club Sea waybill (Series 500)

In order to meet a demand from Members, the TT Club has developed a Sea waybill. This TT Club Sea waybill Series 500 follows the structure of the TT Club Bill of lading Series 100 as far as possible. It works on two principles: (i) voluntary incorporation of Hague/Hague-Visby and US COGSA (to that extent, this Sea waybill 'pretends' to be a Bill of Lading); and (ii) incorporation of the CMI Uniform Rules for Sea Waybills (reflecting the effective approach of the BIMCO Combiconwaybill).

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The CMI Uniform Rules for Sea Waybills can be accessed on the website of the Comité Maritime

International (CMI):

The main difference between a sea waybill and a bill of lading is that a waybill is not a document of title; this enables the consignee to obtain delivery without surrender of an original carriage document. Members have the option to use the Bill of lading Series 100 or the Sea waybill Series 500, depending on commercial requirements. If no document of title is needed, Members are encouraged to use the Sea waybill Series 500 and discouraged from attempting to transform the Bill of lading Series 100 into a waybill, for instance, by stamping it as 'express'. Members who issued a waybill will be aware that they (or their agent) must obtain clear identification from the person who claims delivery of the cargo.

Members can use the following web link (and path) to download the TT Club Sea waybill (Series 500) from the Club's website:

Staff Author