TT Talk - Participate in the flexitank debate!

Flexitanks have been around for decades, but their use has expanded rapidly. The industry has sought to enhance standards over the recent years and currently is developing a standard for manufacturing and testing of single-use flexitanks. Take the opportunity to comment.
During the last decade the COA (Container Owners Association) has set up a lively Flexitank Division that has become a focal point for debate between flexitank manufacturers, operators and container owners. This has led to the development of a Code of Practice in which the TT Club has participated.
Manufacturing is clearly critical to the successful operation of flexitanks through the supply chain. While only non-IMDG products can be carried in these 'bladders', there is inevitable sensitivity to the fact that leakage of the liquid contents can rapidly be substantial. Furthermore, effective loading and securing is necessary to limit the likelihood of damage to the bladder or the container.
Thus, following on from the COA Code of Practice, flexitank manufacturers, under the auspices of the COA, have taken the initiative to document a PAS (Publicly Available Specification). This fast-track standard process is driven by the needs of the industry and developed according to guidelines set out by BSI (British Standards Institution). Key stakeholders, including the TT Club, have been brought together to produce a PAS that has all the functionality of a British Standard for the purposes of creating management systems, product benchmarks and codes of practice. The process facilitates subsequent adoption as a formal British Standard.
PAS 1008 'Specification for the manufacturing and testing of single-use flexitanks' specifies requirements for materials (plastics), valves, performance and the provision of flexitank information. It also describes a method for testing the leak tightness of valves and a method for determining the flexitank's suitability for intermodal transport by means of a rail impact test.
To download, review and comment on the draft, please register for free online (new users) and log in.
Where possible, comments should be submitted by one person from any given organisation to avoid conflicting comments or repetition. Join the debate - and thank you in advance for your time and help with this project. Your input is highly valued.
“Join the debate – and thank you in advance for your time and help with this project.”
- Author
- Staff Author
- Date
- 03/07/2013