TT Talk - European Union 24-hour Security Rule (Electronic Entry and Exit Summary Declarations)

Dr Risto Talas, Research Fellow at University of Hull Logistics Institute, writes: electronic entry and exit data and the investments required in automatic data transmission systems.

'Exporters to and from the European Union should be aware that the 18-month transitional period for the introduction of electronic entry and exit summary declarations (as provided under Commission Regulation (EC) No 273/2009 of 2 April 2009) expires on 31 December 2010. The 18-month period of grace was initially provided in recognition of the complexity of processing

The primary purpose of the new regulation is to ensure that an entry summary declaration (ENS) is submitted electronically to the first customs office of entry of the goods to the European Union within the time limits specified in the regulation. The time limit is typically 24 hours before any containerised cargo is loaded onto the vessel in the non-EU port, as is the case in the US 24-hour rule, to allow for Customs Authorities to carry out a security risk analysis and to have sufficient time to issue a 'Do Not Load' message, if required.

The rules for breakbulk cargo, short sea shipping, air transport, rail, inland waterway and road transport differ in the time limits for the submission of the ENS. For example, for short sea shipments, the ENS transmission must be carried out no later than two hours before arrival of the vessel at the first port of entry in the EU. For maritime breakbulk cargo not on short sea shipping routes the time limit is four hours. For short haul flights of less than four hours, the ENS must be submitted at least by the actual takeoff time of the aircraft. For long haul flights of more than four hours' duration, the ENS must be submitted at least four hours before arrival at the first airport in the EU. For rail and inland waterways, the ENS must be submitted at least two hours before arrival at the customs office of entry to the EU and the corresponding time limit for road traffic is one hour.

The regulation states that if a vessel leaves an EU port and calls at a non-EU port before returning to an EU port with the same cargo on board, a ENS must be submitted for that cargo prior to each call at an EU port. The regulation also specifies who can file ENS declarations, the procedures for obtaining Economic Operator Registration and Information numbers, the ENS data requirements and rules governing amending ENS declarations and shipment diversions.

For updated information on customs matters please visit EU Customs and Taxation.

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