TT Talk - Eliminating Contamination from Refrigerated Container Systems

The Container Owners Association (COA) is organising a 2nd Forum for shipping lines and other relevant companies in Singapore on the subject of contaminated refrigeration machinery in Singapore on

Thursday 9 February

. This meeting has been arranged - at relatively short notice - in order to highlight for operators in Asia the issues and seek commitment to greater urgency in eliminating this problem.

The intention of this Forum is to share information and assist in:

  • protecting the safety of reefer service personnel, and others, involved in working with refrigerated containers in depots, in terminals and on vessels

  • providing an update on the nature of the problems manifested in reefer containers

  • achieving safe and certain identification of contaminated refrigerant supply

  • achieving safe and certain identification of affected units

  • evaluating repair methods for contaminated units

  • improving global maintenance and repair processes to prevent recurrence.

As with the TT Club, the COA's membership represents most sectors of the container industry, and is therefore in a position to provide an independent platform, where shipping lines, leasing companies, machinery manufacturers, reefer service depots, gas suppliers, reefer consultants, insurers and other relevant organisations can talk together, with the aim of resolving these issues.

The Forum will be moderated by Mark Bennett (Triton Container) who was also the moderator of the 1st Reefer Forum in London in December. The Forum is not intending to provide specific advice or guidance, rather to

ensure that there is a sound understanding of the problem and awareness of emerging good practice

. Its main aim is to coordinate the information and initiatives presently being undertaken, and to allow the various industry groups involved in this matter to communicate with each other in an efficient and coherent way.

If you would like to attend, please contact Patrick Hicks at

Attendance needs to be confirmed by Monday 6 February.

Staff Author