TT Club increases emphasis on loss prevention

1 November 2002
TT Club, the mutual insurance association specialising in insurance coverage for the multi modal transport industry, has welcomed Andrew Webster back to its London office to strengthen its loss prevention initiative.
He returns from TT's Dubai operation, where he spent two years managing Member servicing issues and loss prevention for TT customers in the Middle East and Indian sub-continent region.
For the last two years Andrew has been very much involved in loss prevention and his new role will focus upon a significant expansion of the Club's loss prevention programme that aims at surveying every operation insured by the Club on a regular basis.
The results of these surveys will be available to customers via the internet, so that patterns can be analysed and used to manage risk on a pro-active basis. Andrew commented, "I believe this type of programme will be increasingly important as the industry sees deductibles rise, rates harden and the necessity for risk management increase."
Webster, a fellow of the Institute of Chartered Shipbrokers, has been with Thomas Miller, managers of the TT Club for a total of seven years. Before joining TT he worked as a trader and trouble-shooter in the Swiss office of CRC Cargo Recovery Consultants. He has always been involved in the risk management side of the business starting his life as a shipbroker concerned with towage and salvage.
For further information please contact:
Ian Lush
Tel + 44 (0)20 7204 2642
ian.lush@thomasmiller.comMedia contact:
Michael Haig and Peter Owen, ISIS Communications
Tel +44 (0)1737 248300
info@isiscomms.comA full archive of all TT Club news releases and photographs is available from the ISIS Communications Press Room at
- Author
- Staff Author
- Date
- 01/11/2002