TT Club Customer Satisfaction Survey

15 December 2004

Over the last two years we have undertaken extensive research to assess the level of customer satisfaction with TT product and service. This has involved phone interviews with Members and brokers drawn from a random sample of our database.

The aim of this project was twofold: to obtain feedback which can be used as a key performance indicator for the TT Board, and to provide information which can assist in helping to refine and improve upon existing products and services, while providing direction for future development.

The interview questions addressed all aspects of TT operation, including: underwriting, claims, quality of advice, cover, documentation, risk management, administrative support, credit control, visual identity and website service. Questions were also asked about communication and accessibility of staff.

We have been pleased with the level of interest shown by our Members and brokers in this project and are grateful to everyone who has taken part. The results have been largely positive. In the last four phases of interviews spanning 18 months, the average score for "overall satisfaction" levels expressed as a percentage was 85%, taking all factors into consideration. The sample graph below illustrates improvements made during the period of the survey.

Whilst the value of this project is evident we will continue to monitor satisfaction levels in 2005 and beyond utilising a shorter, improved process that focuses on the main areas of importance identified by you, our Members and brokers.

To find out more about TT's Customer Satisfaction Survey please log into the My TT Club area.


Notes for editors:

The TT Club is the international transport and logistics industry's leading provider of insurance and related risk management services. Established in 1968, the Club's membership comprises ship operators, ports and terminals, road, rail and airfreight operators, logistics companies and container lessors. As a mutual insurer, the Club exists to provide its policyholders with industry-leading benefits, which include specialist underwriting expertise, a world-wide office network providing claims management services, and first class risk management and loss prevention advice.

www.ttclub.comFor further information please contact:

Louise Bradley, E-Commerce Director, TT Club

Tel: +44 (0)20 7204 2169


louise.bradley@thomasmiller.comwww.ttclub.comA full archive of all TT Club news releases and photographs is available from the ISIS Communications Press Room at

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