Regulatory changes in Transport of Dangerous Goods by Sea

Following the usual biennial cycle, the International Maritime Dangerous Goods (IMDG) Code has been updated and amended. This latest version, Amendment 37-14, enters transitional effect from 1 January 2015, meaning that stakeholders may start using the revised provisions. Amendment 37-14 will be mandatorily in force from 1 January 2016.

The Amendment 37-14 digital IMDG Code products (Windows, Web, Intranet and e-reader) are now available to purchase from the IMDG Support website.They can be purchased at the Amdt 36-12 price if the order is placed for delivery before 1 March 2015.

Exis is also pleased to announce that they have launched two of their new 37-14 IMDG Code e-learning courses:

Refresher Course (Amdt 37-14)

- provides a recap of the main IMDG Code provisions and includes an update on the latest Amendment for personnel who have already been trained online, or in the classroom, and have previous knowledge of the IMDG Code. Price is GBP 75 for the first ten courses with a discount for 11 courses or more.

Dangerous Goods Transport General Awareness (Amdt 37-14) -

for personnel who need a familiarisation with dangerous goods transport regulations and an awareness of the duties that arise from them. It covers the general awareness training requirements in the IMDG Code, ADR Regulations and RID Regulations and also gives an overview of air transport provisions. It is ideal for warehouse personnel, clerical workers, administrators, managers, customer service and/or sales personnel and others who have a very limited direct involvement in dangerous goods shipping or transport activities but need a general appreciation of the regulations. Price is GBP 55 for the first ten courses with a discount for 11 courses or more.

37-14 Function Specific courses will be available in January 2015. For more information

click here

TT Club members are eligible for a 15% discount; please contact us for more information.

Available from the mobile app stores in January -

Hazcheck DGL Lite FREE mobile app (Amdt 37-14)

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