Press Release: TT Club Supports FIATA's Young Freight Forwarder Award

International transport insurance provider, TT Club, has sponsored the FIATA Young International Freight Forwarder of the Year Award since its beginnings in 1999. It continues to support the programme and it aims to identify, recognise and encourage young talent throughout the industry.

This year's entries have been of a particularly high standard and it has not been easy for the judges to make their decision. However, after much consideration of the many excellent competing dissertations on subjects as varied as shipment of large project cargo, movement of sections of a football stadium and shipment of wine, they have selected four regional finalists.

The finalists will travel to Singapore this October for the FIATA World Congress to receive their regional prizes of certificates and trophies, and to make final individual presentations to the Steering Committee to decide who will be the overall winner of the prestigious International Award.

This prize includes a week's training at one of TT Club's regional centres in London, Hong Kong or New Jersey, as well as attendance on the Thomas Miller "Insight into Transport Law and Insurance" course in London, in which TT Club is closely involved. They will also receive a subscription to one of the industry's leading media information sources, International Transport Journal (ITJ/ITZ).

As Chairman of the Steering Committee, Andrew Kemp, TT Club's European Regional Director, commented,

"We promote professional training at every opportunity and are therefore proud to support FIATA's initiative. TT Club is firmly committed to encouraging best practice in all aspects of freight transport.  Our risk management and loss prevention resources are continually aimed at informing forwarders, carriers, cargo handlers and transport operators of best practice in stowage, documentation, safety, security and many other aspects of the business."

The 2013 Regional Winners are:

  • Africa/Middle East: Mr Mohamed Samy, Egypt


  • Americas: Mr Kaloyan Petrov, Canada


  • Asia-Pacific:  Mr Prabhjot Singh, India


  • Europe: Miss Janna Marie van Burgeler, Germany

Documentation for the 2014 Award will be distributed to FIATA Association members towards the end of August 2013 with the usual deadline for nominating candidates of 15 January 2014.

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