Press Release: TT Club Presents Guidance to South Asian Ports on Avoidable Accidents

Leading freight transport insurer, TT Club's analysis of claims received over the past seven years show an overwhelming frequency of avoidable incidents resulting in bodily injury, damage to property, equipment and cargo. TT Club urges operators at ports and other cargo handling facilities in the region to employ effective procedures, training and safety technology.

"The Club strongly believes that such measures will significantly reduce risk and bring commercial benefits such as lower insurance premiums and higher levels of customer service,"

stated Phillip Emmanuel.

As regards the enduring problem of theft, Emmanuel suggested,

"Prevention is a combination of: a physically secure site; rigorous checks and double-checks on paperwork and well-trained and well-motivated staff. "

Prevention advice formed a pivotal part of the presentation with Emmanuel strongly urging operators to carry out continuous safety training for their employees; pay particular attention to their security procedures to mitigate against theft and to up-grade traffic management systems to help avoid in-yard vehicle collisions. In addition, investment in safety technology is advised. TT Club have seen 236 quay crane boom to ship collisions in the past 7 years worth US$15m. Crane boom as well as mobile equipment anti-collision sensors and container weight and load eccentricity detection devices, among other measures, will pay off the initial installation cost through future savings on damage repair and operational downtime.

Rapid growth in cargo throughput has the effect of heightening the risk factors in handling facilities and port terminals and TT Club would caution operators in India not to lose sight of risk management issues as they also cope with the dynamic growth of throughput in their ports. For its part TT Club has recently strengthened its resources in the region to better serve its Members. The appointment has been confirmed of network partner Pandi Correspondents (Mumbai) Pvt Limited, which has offices in Chennai, Kolkata and Goa in addition to Mumbai. Pandi has been delegated claims handling authority providing the ability to settle claims in local time.

Emmanuel also sees this commitment to the Indian market as an opportunity to assist cargo handling companies with their risk management and loss prevention programmes.

"One of TT Club's strongest attributes is its global claims service.  As a mutual we are dedicated to handling our Members' claims in the most comprehensive and effective manner possible.  The elevation of Pandi to the status of a network partner will significantly enhance this service in the crucial Indian market,"

he said.

"Moreover the Club is stepping up its efforts to communicate the lessons to be learned from our analysis of past claims and the extensive experience we have accrued from forty-five years of providing specialist insurance cover and advice."

Emmanuel was speaking on the first morning of the 8


Southern Asia Ports, Logistics and Shipping Conference in Mumbai. He addressed business leaders from over thirty-five world-class transport companies and a total of some five hundred senior executives from twenty-five countries. Running concurrently with the conference was an international exhibition featuring sixty companies from around the world showcasing their cargo handling, transport and logistics services.


Note to Editors:
The TT Club is the international transport and logistics industry's leading provider of insurance and related risk management services. Established in 1968, the Club's membership comprises ship operators, ports and terminals, road, rail and airfreight operators, logistics companies and container lessors. As a mutual insurer, the Club exists to provide its policyholders with benefits, which include specialist underwriting expertise, a world-wide office network providing claims management services, and first class risk management and loss prevention advice.
For further information please contact:Emma Chalmers, Marketing Manager, TT ClubTel: +44 (0)20 7204 2635E-mail:
Media contact:
Peter Owen, ISIS Communications
Tel: +44 (0)1737 248300

An archive of all TT Club press releases and photographs is available from the ISIS Communications Press Room at

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