Congratulations to Julien Horn who joins the CII's New Generation Programme

Congratulations to Julien Horn, Senior Underwriter at TT Club who has been selected by the Chartered Institute of Insurance (CII) as a representative on their New Generation Programme.

In its third year Julien has been selected as one of 40 future leaders in the insurance market who will benefit from a year-long programme of learning opportunities and market exposure to support them in making their mark as an insurance professional.

To be selected Julien needed:

  • Support from his managers
  • Evidence of significant strides in professional development including a strong contribution to his team and evidence of commitment to pursuing relevant professional qualifications. 
  • Five to ten years' experience within the General insurance profession with a strong balance of both technical understanding and customer service awareness. 

The benefits of the programme will include:

  • An interactive session with key personnel from the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA)
  • Talks from Members of Parliament and lobbying organisations in the insurance sector and a tour of the Houses of Parliament
  • Training on subjects such as leadership and handling the media

The programme is split into four faculties - claims, underwriting, broking and the London Market with Julien representing the London Market.

Each group will be asked to identify and complete a project or initiative that it believes could make a difference to the insurance profession. Typically taking around six months to complete and involving collaboration amongst group members across the country, these projects are both challenging and rewarding.

We are sure the programme will support Julien in developing his profile in the industry, provide immense networking opportunities and deliver a thoroughly rewarding experience.

For more details visit

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