TTI Part VII Transfer - sanction hearing postponement

TT to UKNV Transfer - change to Effective Date and postponement

TT Club Mutual Insurance Limited – Transfer of Insurance Business

Further to our letter to you in June 2021, we are writing to you in your capacity as a holder of a policy which was written before 1 January 2021 and (a) which covers property situated in the EEA, where the insurance relates either to buildings or to buildings and their contents (in so far as the contents are covered by the same policy), or, (b) in all other cases, where the policyholder’s or policyholders’: (i) habitual residence is situated in the EEA, in the case of a natural person; or, (ii) place of establishment is situated in the EEA, in the case of a legal person.

We are writing to notify you that the hearing to sanction the insurance business transfer scheme (the ‘Scheme’) providing for the transfer of certain of the insurance and reinsurance business (comprising policies, assets and liabilities) of TT Club Mutual Insurance Limited (‘TTI’) to UK P&I Club NV (‘UKNV’) (‘Transfer’) proposed to be held on Thursday 9 September 2021 has been postponed to Monday 27 September 2021.

As noted in our letter to you in June 2021, any person who objects to, or considers that he/she/it would be adversely affected by the carrying out of the Scheme, is entitled to appear at the hearing and make representations in person and/or to instruct someone to appear at the hearing and make representations on his, her or its behalf and/or to make written representations about the Scheme without appearing at the hearing. The application will be heard on 27 September 2021 by a Judge of the Business and Property Courts at:

The Rolls Building, 7 Rolls Buildings, Fetter Lane, London EC4A 1NL.

If you do intend to appear at the hearing in person, or to instruct someone to appear on your behalf at the hearing, we would request that you give notice of your intention to do so setting out the reasons why you would be adversely effected. In addition, any person may make written representations about the Scheme without appearing at the hearing (or without instructing someone to appear on their behalf at the hearing). Such notices and representations should be sent to TTI and UKNV by:

  • emailing
  • writing to ‘TTI Part VII Transfer’ at 90 Fenchurch Street, London EC3M 4ST; or 
  • calling +44 (0) 20 7283 4646 between 10am and 4pm UK time,

as soon as possible. All representations will be provided to the Court at the hearing.

Staff Author