Protecting truck drivers in the supply chain with Freightsafe

Protecting truck drivers in the supply chain with Freightsafe

Safe and secure truck parking has long been a challenge within global logistics world. Typically truck stops are designed to prioritise the sale of fuel, rather than the safety and security of the driver. Economies are increasingly appreciating the scale and scope of the challenge.

A lack of focus on safe, secure parking has led to over $40bn in cargo stolen every year from trucks in transit, a figure that continues to rise year-on-year.

A lack of focus on safe, secure parking has led to over $40bn in cargo stolen every year from trucks in transit

It is typically the truck driver who is left to face related safety concerns, yet have no control of the quality of the parking area themselves. The result is often an unsafe stay for the majority of a long-haul truckers, especially with the potentially millions of pounds of cargo that they carry in their trailer, making them specific targets for armed thieves.

All of this can weigh on the mind of the truck driver, which can lead to long-term mental health issues due to stress and lack of sleep. A US DOT survey illustrated that 85% of drivers stated that finding truck parking as their No.1 cause of stress at work. In an industry where truck driver retention is a significant challenge for logistics companies, solving the problem of truck parking must be a high priority.

In an industry where truck driver retention is a significant challenge for logistics companies, solving the problem of truck parking must be a high priority.

Freightsafe brings together multiple solutions to provide the most complete, unique, secure truck parking available. The primary aspect of the product is the modular bays in which the truck is parked securely overnight, or during the day, as the owner requires. The bay comes in the form of a steel sheet-cladded aluminium unit, and has a full system of remotely-monitored CCTV cameras, with internal motion detection.

Freightsafe has partnered with Bosch Secure Truck Parking (BSTP) to combine our truck parking solution with the existing reservation platform that BSTP runs. This allows for trucks to be booked into specific bays ahead of time, to further enable the carriers’ ability to co-ordinate logistics opportunities and increase accountability when it comes to the safety of drivers and the risk of cargo theft.

Increase accountability when it comes to the safety of drivers and the risk of cargo theft.

Each space is monitored individually to provide an elite level of security. Trucks are pre-booked into a certain bay so that when the driver arrives, they can let the dispatcher know they are at the location, and the access control door can be lifted, allowing the trailer to be parked inside the bay. The whole process is automatic and un-manned, reducing the level of human error and the increased risk of crime from direct human involvement.

Our site-locating process is designed to reduce carbon emissions as much as possible through upcycling existing sites, rather than building on new greenfield locations. These suitable properties include sites such as depots, ports, malls and truck repair shops and therefore open up a whole network of new parking opportunities, addressing the shortfall of safe and secure truck parking spaces.

Freightsafe has reimagined safe and secure truck parking, with modular sites that can be delivered in just 3 months from first agreement, costing significantly less to procure than traditional parking sites and providing a more complete safety and security program for users.

This added level of security provides users with a more safe and reliable service through 3 primary avenues:

  1. Safer parking areas – more securely-parked freight deters thieves from stealing cargo, resulting in fewer criminal activities at parking areas.
  2. Improved driver welfare – Freightsafe’s safer parking areas mean less stress on drivers to remain vigilant at all times, allowing drivers to have their rest in peace.
  3. More secure cargo – logistics companies and shippers alike can be more confident in their plans for cargo to get from A to B safely. This can save millions of pounds and give them time to focus on other priorities such as efficiency, and decarbonisation.


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