Young Supply Chain Resilience Professional of the Year

Young Supply Chain Resilience Professional of the Year

As part of TAPA EMEA’s aim to promote careers in cargo security and supply chain resilience, the Association launched a new award in 2023 sponsored by TT Club, the leading provider of insurance and related risk management services to the international transport and logistics industry, to help identify outstanding individuals excelling in the profession.

The ‘Young Supply Chain Resilience Professional of the Year’ Award is open to all supply chain security stakeholder members of TAPA EMEA. To enter, applicants must produce an up to 1,500-words submission on an innovative cargo security or supply chain resilience initiative they have developed or contributed significantly to.

Entries will be judged on their originality, complexity, innovative solutions, and success in improving supply chain resilience for the applicants’ companies or clients. All entries will be judged by members of the TAPA EMEA and TT Club leadership teams and the winner will be invited to receive their award at TAPA EMEA’s RESILIENCE@RISK Conference in 2024.

Potential areas of focus can be:          

  • a project outlining an innovative approach to supply chain security concerns;
  • a particular supply chain security/cargo loss challenge that you have faced and overcome with an innovative solution;
  • an innovative solution you have developed and deployed to address a new or emerging supply chain security risk. 

The award will open for entries in March 2024..

Rules of entry

  • Applicants must be 35 years or younger in 2023.
  • You must be based in the Europe, Middle East & Africa (EMEA) region.
  • Your employer must be a member of TAPA EMEA.
  • You must gain your employer’s permission to enter.
  • You must agree to the publication of your winning entry by TAPA EMEA and TT Club.
  • The judges’ decision is final.

Mike Yarwood, Managing Director Loss Prevention at TT Club, added: “TT Club are proud to partner with TAPA EMEA in sponsoring this new award. In doing so, TT Club aspires to identify, inspire, and reward young talent in the industry, encouraging them to continue to innovate, communicate with their peers, and strive for ever greater levels of security throughout the supply chain sector.”

The application form is available on the TAPA EMEA website using the button below: 


TT Club Loss Prevention