Safety is a key factor of sustainability.
No port can grow sustainably with costly accidents creating claims and driving up insurance premiums. Recent events suggest that windstorms and extreme weather events are becoming less predictable, more severe and affecting areas previously considered low risk.
Ensuring your port operations are safe and secure should be top priority. Here we aim to cover all aspects of port and terminal safety including quay crane risks, climatic risks, due diligence and contractual challenges, cargo theft and damage, misdeclaration, fire safety and much more.
However, if you have any concerns that are not covered here, you can always submit an enquiry on the right or email us at
Contact us
Sign up to TT Talk - our monthly newsletter
TT Talk is our regular e-newsletter providing current information on legal and risk issues impacting the transport and logistics sector.
Ports and terminals webinars
TT Club has recorded several past webinars on the topic of ports and terminals, containing important guidance on how to mitigate related links.
To access these recordings, click the button below.
Port-safety news & insights
Neil Dalus, Risk Assessment Manager, outlines the importance of strategic asset management planning in asset maintenance and risk reduction
TT Club warns about the significant risks associated with the use of e-bikes and e-scooters in facilities not designed to accommodate them
The maritime industry’s ports, terminals, and ships play a vital role in global trade
Josh Finch, Logistics Risk Manager, and Neil Dalus, a Risk Assessment Manager, delve into the complexities and challenges of safety and innovation within the global supply chain.
When a ship allides with port infrastructure, causing damage to the berth itself or equipment located on it, it is important that the port takes prompt steps to protect their interests
Multimodal Birmingham | June 2024
TT's Aaron Healy, Underwriter, will be attending and speaking on a panel session at Multimodal in Birmingham on Thursday 13 June.
TT Club has once again teamed up with TOC Worldwide and ICHCA International to bring you the Safety Village at TOC Europe on 11-13 June.
TT Talk - Roof-top PV system fire risk
TT Club warns of fire risk associated with the industries move towards 'greener' solar energy from PV solar panels
Port safety publications
Loss Prevention a year in focus 2024
TT Club takes a look back over the full 12 months of 2024 at some of the key topics that TT has covered, the key events attended and the initiatives launched, all in the name of promoting safety, security and sustainability throughout the global supply chain.
This bulletin considers all aspects of supply chain security, highlighting TT Club claims statistics along with a range of other industry data.
Supply chain security bulletin | July 2024
This bulletin considers all aspects of supply chain security, highlighting TT Club claims statistics along with a range of other industry data.
Supply chain security bulletin | March 2024
This bulletin considers all aspects of supply chain security, highlighting TT Club claims statistics along with a range of other industry data.
Loss Prevention a year in focus 2023
This “Year in focus” brochure takes a look back over the full 12 months of 2023 at some of the key topics that TT has covered, the key events attended and the initiatives launched, all in the name of promoting safety, security and sustainability throughout the global supply chain.
This bulletin considers all aspects of supply chain security, highlighting TT Club claims statistics along with a range of other industry data.
Risk Bytes | Good neighbour agreements
This Risk Byte provides a snapshot of the risks associated with so-called ‘good neighbour’ agreements and why you and the neighbour you share resources with must have adequate insurance in place*.
StopLoss: organising special events
Whatever the event, everyone involved wants it to be a success and that the public will enjoy it in safety and comfort.
Ports & terminals cover
No two ports or terminals are the same, which is why we tailor-make policies to reflect the risks you face.
As well as port liability risks, TT Club cover can be tailored to address the combination of commercial and environmental risks faced by port authorities and terminal operators.