Inspiring trust for a more resilient world
TT Club and BSI have partnered for a number of years, particularly around the topic of supply chain security. BSI deliver environmental, health and safety, security and sustainability services to the industry, and have become a key partner for TT Club in the context of the ESG toolkit.
BSI's goal is to inspire trust for a more resilient world. The solutions and services provided have the potential to improve performance and support the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. At BSI, their mission is to share knowledge, innovation and best practice to help people and organisations make excellence a habit.
While BSI suggests a British organisation, it is in fact a large global business, employing over 5,000 people, with 87 offices in 31 countries. The Group has an estimated 84,000 clients domiciled in 193 countries and the scope of operations span just about all conceivable sectors of the economy, from supply chain to healthcare and energy, to the built environment.
Consulting practice - sustainability
BSI enable high-performing, resilient organizations by improving their impact on people, environments, and communities.
BSI Connect Climate
The journey to net zero will differ for every organisation, the need to drive operational efficiency however does not. BSI’s Connect Climate tool can assist by providing visibility through a data led approach, delivering greater operational efficiencies and in doing so reducing emissions.
What is it?
Connect Climate is a holistic data-driven information and workflow platform that supports company accounting of sustainability impacts for public ESG reporting. Connect Climate is built on proven, enterprise technology, and supports companies at all ends of the maturity spectrum with the ongoing management and improvement of their entire value chain. The platform is also supported by a range of BSI resources, content, and practitioners with expertise across the span of sustainability and value chain impacts.
BSI’s Connect Climate enables companies to efficiently gather business activity information from their sites and suppliers to better understand their entire value chain. Connect Climate uses the most robust library of global GHG emissions factors, powered by EcoMetrica, to calculate their more immediate Scope 1 and 2 emissions; and also all fifteen categories of companies’ more complex Scope 3 emissions.

BSI courses
BSI offer a wide range of e-learning courses and educational content, many of which are free of charge.

BSI blog
BSI’s expert corner blog provides regular updates, case studies and insight across a wide range of relevant issues.
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Remember to conduct further research
We have sought to identify strategic partners that we deem to be knowledgeable and trustworthy, and that provide a service we believe to be of value to our membership. Of course, every business is unique, and therefore it is essential to conduct thorough due diligence prior to engaging with any partner or contractor to ensure that their service is appropriate for your business.