What is it?

Business on the Move is a game aimed at introducing players to the exciting world of logistics and global supply chains. It is fun and educational and anyone over the age of 9 years old can happily take part. The basic concept of the game is that players run a logistics business moving different products from China to their domestic market by land, air and sea as quickly, profitably and environmentally responsibly as possible.

Players must make the same decisions businesses make every day. How do I deliver? Will I make a profit? How should I grow? How can I cut my carbon footprint?

The game was developed by two former teachers who wanted to bridge the gap between schools and business. To date, nearly 2,000 games have been distributed free-of-charge to schools and colleges across the UK and they are also available to buy.

Why does the TT Club support the initiative?

TT Club has been involved with Business on the Move since the early stages and fully supports this engaging educational initiative. We’ve been fortunate to see first-hand how enjoyable and thought provoking the game is after inviting representatives from local primary and secondary schools to join TT Club employees to play the game in our London office.

We’re excited by the opportunity to promote a greater awareness among younger people of the crucial role supply chain services play in today’s global economy, encouraging them to become part of this vibrant industry as a career.

How can I get involved?

Use Business on the Move as part of your own in-house training and/or donate games to local schools as part of your Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) programme. Companies placing 5 or more games in their local school, with training for the teacher included, can have their corporate logo incorporated into the playing of the game and featured on the box lid. There are also options to customise cards in the games and even the whole board to reflect your supply chain. For more information on sponsorship options, please email using the details below. 

You can also go to the online shop to purchase Business on the Move.

How do I find out more

Visit businessonthemove.org or email info@businessonthemove.org